Behavioral Supports

CFFSS offers Individual or group counseling, behavioral interventions, diagnostic evaluations or consultations related to the individual’s developmental disability and necessary for the individual to acquire or maintain appropriate
interactions with others.
Our Behavioral Supports Services include a complete assessment of the challenging behavior(s), development of a structured behavioral modification plan, implementation of the plan, ongoing training and supervision of caregivers & behavioral aides, and periodic reassessment of the plan.
It's Person Centered
Using a person-centered approach, PBS addresses the individual and respects his or her dignity.
This includes listening to the individual, recognizing the individual’s skills, strengths, and goals, and the belief that the individual can accomplish his or her goals. Treatments are developed to fit the specific individual rather than a “cookbook” approach.
It's Outcome Focused
Positive Behavior Supports places an emphasis on outcomes important to the individual and to society.
These behavioral outcomes, such as fewer aggressive incidents, have the ability to make homes, communities, hospitals, and schools safer.
Encourages Positive Changes
Through environmental changes and reinforcement of adaptive behaviors, individuals can reduce problem behaviors. Coping mechanisms such as relaxation can take the place of the problem behaviors. PBS minimizes the need for punishment or restrictiveness such as restraint, seclusion, or removal of privileges.
It's a Team Effort
PBS involves collaboration with those who support an individual, such as caregivers, doctors, nurses, teachers, nurses, social workers, and team leaders.
This process keeps everyone involved in the individual’s treatment and allows for new behaviors and skills to be supported in all settings.